
MantisNLP Privacy Policy

Hello. We are MantisNLP Limited. Here’s how we protect your data and respect your privacy. If you are a MantisNLP client, applying for a role at MantisNLP, or just visiting our website, this policy applies to you.

Our responsibilities

This policy applies to you if you are:

  • An existing MantisNLP client
  • A potential client interested in working with us, or in obtaining a quotation from us
  • Applying for a role at MantisNLP
  • Just visiting our website
  • Signing up for a one of our services of applications

Your responsibilities

  • Read this Privacy Policy
  • If you are our client, please also check the contracts between us: they may contain further details on how we collect and process your data.
  • If you provide us with personal information about other people, or if others give us your information, we will only use that information for the specific reason for which it was provided to us. By submitting the information, you confirm that you have the right to authorise us to process it on your behalf in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  • Please note that our website and other digital platforms may contain links to third party websites / digital platforms which are provided for your convenience (e.g. facebook, twitter, youtube). We are only responsible for the privacy practices and security of our own digital platforms. We recommend that you check the privacy and security policies and procedures of each and every other website / digital platform that you visit (suggest to insert if applicable)

When and how we collect data

From the first moment you interact with MantisNLP, we are collecting data. Sometimes you provide us with data, sometimes data about you is collected automatically.

Here’s when and how we do this:

Data you give Data we collect
You browse any page of our website How you use the MantisNLP website
We call you (potential client or potential employee in contact with MantisNLP) Contact details
You receive emails from us you Data that identifies you
You contact us to discuss a potential project you (client, or potential client in contact with MantisNLP) Contact details. Financial information
You apply to a job advert we have posted (potential employee in contact with MantisNLP) Contact details. Candidate information.
You sign up for our newsletter (The Token), or to any other MantisNLP service or product (e.g. a web application) Contact details How you use the service

Types of data we collect

Contact details

Your name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.

Financial information

Information to facilitate making and receiving payments to/and from you. For example, your business bank account number, company name, VAT number.

Data on how you use MantisNLP website

We use google analytics, which captures information about usage patterns of our website. This includes the URL of the page viewed, referrer, UTM codes, whether the page view is unique, time zone and country of the visitor’s device, scrolled percentage and time on page, user-agent, script settings.

Candidate information

Information about your work history and availability that we will use to help us work out if you’re a good fit for working with Mantis NLP.

Call transcipts and recordings

We may record video calls and make transcripts of our conversations to help us optimize the services we provide. In these cases we will notify you first.

What about really sensitive data?

We don’t collect any “sensitive data” about you (like racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious/philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data, data about your sexual life or orientation, and offences or alleged offences) except when we have your specific consent, or when we have to to comply with the law. This may be the case if you are a new employee, and local laws require us (or partners acting on our behalf) to conduct a health screening. Or if we need to conduct a check of your background, as is sometimes requested by our clients: we would ask your permission, and a partner would conduct the background check on our behalf.

What about children’s data?

MantisNLP is a consultancy aiming to provide services only to those who are 18 years of age or over. We do not target our services at children, and we do not knowingly collect any personal data from any person under 16 years of age.

How and why we use your data

Data protection law means that we can only use your data for certain reasons and where we have a legal basis to do so. Here are the reasons for which we process your data:

You have given clear consent for us to process your personal data for a specific purpose, such as providing you with updates about an application or receiving marketing emails.

Testing features and content, managing landing pages, heat mapping our site, traffic optimization and data analysis and research, including profiling and the use of machine learning and other techniques over your data and in some cases using third parties to do this.

Sending you emails and messages about new features, products and services, and content.


We need to process your data in order to comply with our obligations under a contract we have signed with you. This includes the steps we take towards signing a contract with you, even if these steps don’t actually result in the signing of a contract. This includes steps like conducting calls to understand your problem (for which we may record video or transcripts), or exchanging emails.

Legitimate interests

Processing your data is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party, provided those interests are not outweighed by your rights and interests. These legitimate interests are:

  • Providing services to you that you have requested.
  • Informing you about new features, products, or services that we think you will legitimately be interested in.
  • Gaining insights from your behaviour on our website or in our app
  • Delivering, developing and improving MantisNLP website
  • Enabling us to enhance, customise or modify our services and comms
  • Determining whether marketing campaigns are effective
  • Enhancing data security

In each case, these legitimate interests are only valid if they are not outweighed by your rights and interests

Your privacy choices and rights

You can change your mind!

If you have previously given consent to our processing of your data you can freely withdraw such consent at any time. You can do this by emailing us at

If you do withdraw your consent, and if we do not have another legal basis for processing your information, then we will stop processing your personal data. If we do have another legal basis for processing your information, then we may continue to do so subject to your legal rights.

You have the right to access information we hold about you

This includes the right to ask us supplementary information about:

  • the categories of data we’re processing
  • the purposes of data processing
  • the categories of third parties to whom the data may be disclosed
  • how long the data will be stored (or the criteria used to determine that period)
  • your other rights regarding our use of your data

We will provide you with the information within one month of your request, unless doing so would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others (e.g. another person’s confidentiality or intellectual property rights). We’ll tell you if we can’t meet your request for that reason.

You have the right to ask us to correct any inaccurate personal data about you

You can object to us using your data for profiling you or making automated decisions about you We may use your data to determine whether we should let you know information that might be relevant to you (for example, tailoring emails to you based on your behaviour).

You have the right to port your data to another service

We will give you a copy of your data in CSV or JSON so that you can provide it to another service. If you ask us and it is technically possible, we will directly transfer the data to the other service for you. We will not do so to the extent that this involves disclosing data about any other individual.

You have the right to be forgotten by us

You can do this by asking us to erase any personal data we hold about you.

You have the right to lodge a complaint regarding our use of your data

Please tell us first, so we have a chance to address your concerns by emailing us at

If you have unresolved concerns, you have the right to complain to an EU data protection authority where you live, work or where you believe a breach may have occurred. This is likely to be the Data Protection Commissioner’s Office in Cyprus which you can write to at the following address:

1 Iasonos str., 1082 Nicosia
P.O.Box 23378, 1682 Nicosia
Tel: +357 22818456
Fax: +357 22304565

Or via email at Email:

How secure is the data we collect?

We take steps to protect the personal information you provide to us from loss, misuse, or unauthorised alteration or destruction. We implement generally accepted standards of technology and operational security, and have put in place technology and security policies to safeguard this information. And please remember:

You provide personal data at your own risk: unfortunately, no data transmission is guaranteed to be 100% secure

Where do we store the data?

The personal data we collect is processed at our offices in Cyprus and in any data processing facilities operated by the third parties identified below. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing by us. If we transfer or store your information outside the EEA in this way, we will take steps to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

How long do we store your data?

We don’t collect personal identifiable information on our website by default.

We will delete your personal data from our archives no later than 6 years from the last time you visited MantisNLP website or as agreed with you in a separate contract.

We will delete personal identifiable information collected for recruitment purposes within 3 months of you providing it to us. We may ask if we can retain your contact details for future job openings. If you agree, we will retain this information for recruitment purposes only for up to 12 months, or as you specify.

If you asked for a quotation from us, but we have not entered into a contract then we will delete any information obtained about you within 1 year.

Third parties who process your data

Tech businesses often use third parties to help them host their application, communicate with customers, power their emails etc. We partner with third parties who we believe are the best in their field at what they do.

When we do this, sometimes it is necessary for us to share your data with them in order to get these services to work well. Your data is shared only when strictly necessary and according to the safeguards and good practices detailed in this Privacy Policy. Where personal data is transferred to a third party in the United States we take steps to ensure we agree to the standard contractual clauses with them. We continually monitor this transfer mechanism. Any data transfers to the US are encrypted and generally consist of insensitive personal data.

Here are the details of our main third-party service providers, and what data they collect or we share with them, where they store the data and why they need it:


Service provider Data collected or shared Purpose Place of processing
Amazon Web Services, Inc. Privacy policy Any data, which may include personal identifiable information, that we process on your behalf in the course or delivering our services to you. Unless specified in our contract with you, we use AWS in the EU region (Ireland) by default. If you prefer we can process the data in other regions or on another cloud supplier. EU (or elsewhere if you ask us to)
Contractors Any data, which may include personal identifiable information, that we process on your behalf in the course or delivering our services to you. We occasionally use contractors to assist us in our work, and they may require access to data you have shared with us to do this. Our use of contractors will be governed by the contract we sign with you and the specific privacy and data protection provisions that are included in that contract. EU or elsewhere


Service provider Data collected or shared Purpose Place of processing
Google Analytics Privacy Policy Data relating to your usage of our website We use this information to optimise our website EU, US
Google Workspace Privacy Policy Contact details. Employment history If you submit your curriculum vitae to us in response to a recruitment advert, we will store it in our Google Workspace. EU, US
FreeAgent Central Limited, Privacy Policy Contact details FreeAgent is accounting software for small businesses. If we discuss a project with you or undertake a contract with you, we will store your contact details in FreeAgent to facilitate invoicing. EU
Wise (Formerly TransferWise) Privacy Policy Contact details. Payment information We use Wise to make and receive payments for products and services. If you need to invoice us, we will keep your contact details and payment information in Wise to facilitate payments to you. EEA
Revolut Bank UAB Privacy Policy Contact details. Payment information We use Revolut to make and receive payments for products and services. If you need to invoice us, we will keep your contact details and payment information in Wise to facilitate payments to you. EEA
LinkedIN Privacy Policy Contact details. Employment history We use LinkedIN for finding leads, posting job adverts, and communicating with potential clients and employees. US/EEA
GitHub, Inc Privacy Policy Contact details. Profile information GitHub is a service that helps developers to store and manage code. If you work with us as an employee or collaborate with us, we US
Eurocom C.I. Limited Privacy Policy Contact details, Background, Criminal record, Legal proceedings involving you, Other personal information If you work with us as an employee or contractor, we may ask you to complete a Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) if it is required by our clients. We will ask Eurocom to conduct this check on our behalf, and report back the results to us. UK Privacy Policy Contact details, Background, Employment history (see privacy policy) We use to hire employees in parts of the world where we do not have an office. If you become a Mantis NLP employee, we will need to supply information to facilitate your onboarding to US/EEA
Calendly Privacy Policy Contact details We use Calendly to schedule meetings with clients, prospective and others. We may ask you to schedule a meeting with us via calendly, in which case Calendly will capture your contact details. US
Snovio Inc. Privacy Policy Contact details We use to run outbound email marketing campaigns. US
Substack, Inc. Privacy Policy Contact details If you sign up to our newsletter (via substack), your contact details and usage data will be made available to us to optimise our content. US
Sybill Inc. Privacy Policy Video recordings and transcipts If we have a sales call with you, we may record video and transcribe the call. This is handled by Sybill Inc. US


We use cookies. Unless you adjust your browser settings to refuse cookies, we (and these third parties) will issue cookies when you interact with MantisNLP. These may be session' cookies, meaning they delete themselves when you leave MantisNLP, or persistent' cookies which do not delete themselves and help us recognise you when you return so we can provide a tailored service.

How can I block cookies?

You can block cookies by activating a setting on your browser allowing you to refuse the setting of cookies. You can also delete cookies through your browser settings. If you use your browser settings to disable, reject, or block cookies (including essential cookies), certain parts of our website will not function fully. In some cases, our website may not be accessible at all. Please note that where third parties use cookies we have no control over how those third parties use those cookies

Which specific cookies do we use?

Service provider Key cookies Purpose _ga Identifies unique sessions